2020: Corona - A misty blow or a defying threat?

                   2020 : Corona-                

    A misty blow or a defying threat?                       

Corona, nothing but a nightmare!  Right?

X-rays size up coronavirus protein structure at room temperature - The Week

                                                                                UK becomes first country to approve Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine, first shots  roll out next week - The Financial Express                                                                                                                        

From Wuhan to every next place what pops to your mind. Did anyone ever think of staying at home without a break? Everyone just always wished for not attending any varsities, but when it came along why everyone panicked. 2020 was blamed for every calamity that had occured. But the pandemic began in 2019, then what made people blame 2020 for this? The answer goes endlessly from both the sides, but nowhere it meets. More than 1.9 Million people lost their lives and still the numbers are on fire. 90+ Million tested positive and millions lost their ventures. But at last who to blame for it the people or the specialized animal eaters? The answer goes it very simple - these homemade animals. 

Ban On Chinese Apps: Need And Impact

With Chinese Apps Ban, These Indian Alternatives Rise To Fill The Gap          India's ban on Chinese apps: how TikTok and others are affected - Nikkei  Asia

Was it a stroke of china, to setup a fear roaring among everyone? Or it was a planned forethought? We have no real evidence rather suspecting them, because the working body “UN” is relaxing with their hands folded. Now the point comes in boycotting China for it's deeds, but again there is another thought forgoing that can we do this? To every second product we see that it is manufactured in china, made us believe that China is forefather of every direction. But it goes nowhere, if we start surrendering from our side. Several campaigns with banners like “dogs and cats are skinned alive in china for fur”, steps like banning several applications were followed through. But did all these impact the stardom of China? As per the report of "The Hindu" Explains under the banning of tik tok “The company had told a local court that it was losing roughly $15 million a month due to the ban. “  If just an app can affect the economy so roughly then can you account for different files?


On such a note, howsoever we entered 2021 with a positive vibe, with patches and strains leaving aside.


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